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- From: PsychoSpy@aol.com
- X-Mailer: America Online Mailer
- Date: Mon, 01 Aug 94 15:36:20 EDT
- Subject: Groom Lake Desert Rat #13
- THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RAT. An On-Line Newsletter.
- Issue #13. August 1, 1994.
- -----> "The Naked Truth from Open Sources." <-----
- Written, published, copyrighted and totally disavowed by
- psychospy@aol.com. See bottom for subscription/copyright info.
- In this issue...
- [Note: This file ends with "#####".]
- ----- MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS 102 -----
- We know that the Rat is read by leaders in the Pentagon, and we
- like to think that they look to us for the sort of impartial
- reporting and down-to-earth advice they can't get from their own
- people. We see our role as one of education. We do not seek to
- destroy the military or damage national defense; instead, we are
- trying to make the military stronger by introducing defense
- managers to important concepts in psychology, philosophy, politics
- and American society.
- One of these is public relations. We know what you generals are
- thinking: that the news media are the slime of the earth and
- would be an even better target for the Sons and Daughters of
- Liberty than Las Vegas. Nonetheless, the presence of a
- bloodthirsty press will always be a fact of life in our democracy.
- They represent, in fact, one of those unalienable rights that we
- go to war in distant lands to defend. Like the unpleasant,
- humiliating process of wringing funds from Congress, dealing with
- the press is just something the military has to live with. The
- tone of press coverage, especially in peacetime, plays a major
- role in funding decisions and the degree of autonomy the military
- is accorded. The military can either take charge of the process
- and use the press to its advantage, or it can ignore the wolves,
- plead "no comment" and be eaten alive.
- Starting at a very basic level, there are certain things you just
- shouldn't do if you want to maintain the respect of the press and
- your ultimate liberty and funding. One of these points is summed
- up in a song we once heard....
- You don't tug on Superman's cape.
- You don't spit into the wind.
- You don't pull on the mask of the old Lone Ranger....
- Open your textbooks to page 15 for a further restatement of this
- principle. (We are referring, of course, to "Meeting the Press: A
- Media Survival Guide for the Defense Manager.")
- "Because of competitive pressures of the trade, the fraternity
- of reporters is not exactly a brotherhood of congeniality. In
- actual fact, rival reporters find it easy to build up an abiding
- dislike for one another, although they normally take great pains
- to hide their animosities from outsiders. But in spite of their
- differences, there is one time when all media representatives will
- lay their dislikes aside and join forces, place their wagons in a
- circle, and stand shoulder to shoulder fighting as one. That
- occasion is whenever they perceive a threat to the freedom of the
- press and their right to publish or broadcast whatever they
- choose."
- The ongoing Groom Lake conflict has turned into a classic example
- of how not to respond to the press. We were especially surprised
- and amused to see the authorities seize the video tapes of yet
- another TV crew, KNBC of Los Angeles (DR#12). The Secret Police
- never learn! Nothing guarantees that your story will get top play
- in the evening newscast like trying in some way to suppress it.
- Even returning the confiscated tape won't end the story. Instead
- of making the reporter quake in his boots, such an encounter
- almost assures his eternal devotion to the story. Every reporter
- is quick to express his outrage at any such obstruction, but you
- know, deep down, that this is just the sort of challenge he lives
- for.
- At last report, the video tape seized on July 19 has still not
- been returned. Of the five tapes taken by force and without a
- warrant, the Air Force is prepared to release only one. The rest,
- evidently, are a threat to national security. The crew says they
- did not photograph the unacknowledged Groom Lake base, since they
- did not want to provoke the authorities, and there was already
- plenty of stock footage available. They used only a wide angle
- lens, pointed away from the base, to interview activist Campbell
- on Freedom Ridge, in plain sight of the anonymous guards.
- Unfortunately, a wide angle lens means that some area of empty
- military land adjoining the border is bound to appear somewhere in
- the frame. Everyone in the class knows about those anal-retentive
- OSI guys (Office of Special Investigations) who adhere without
- question to their given rules no matter how objectively absurd.
- If a photo was taken in downtown Las Vegas and happened to show
- restricted mountains in the background, that film has to be
- impounded and stamped "Top Secret," even if no detail is shown, no
- installations are visible and 10,000 better pictures are already
- in circulation.
- Lawyers from the NBC network are said to be pursuing the matter,
- but the absence of the video tapes has not prevented the show from
- going on. KNBC will supposedly run a story on Groom tonight (8/1,
- 5:00pm, L.A. ch. 4. Maybe also sat.K2/tr.3). They do have choice
- shots of activist Campbell being hauled away in handcuffs after he
- tried to interfere with the seizure, and the rest of the story can
- be adequately reconstructed using footage taken by other stations.
- Seeing the AF humiliate itself in front of yet another TV network,
- we are reminded of the poor stooge in the vaudeville act who
- always falls for the same gag again and again--the banana peel on
- the floor, the pie in the face. After the laughter dies down, we
- feel only sadness. The military's wisdom and flexibility in
- dealing with domestic opponents are a reflection on how it will
- respond to the rapidly changing enemy it is bound to face in the
- future. The threats of the tomorrow will not be ponderous Soviets
- or ego-bound Saddams. They are going to be swift-moving,
- opportunistic terrorist groups resembling more sophisticated
- versions of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty and not unlike
- Psychospy himself. Having superior weaponry does not count as
- much as having some subtlety and brains and a leadership that is
- responsive enough to recognize a problem at its early stages and
- deal with it decisively before it becomes intractable.
- To future students of military public relations, the Groom Lake
- debacle of the mid-1990s will serve as a textbook example of how
- not to preserve classified information. The old Cold War strategy
- for protecting a sensitive program was to classify EVERYTHING
- associated with it, including its funding, the fact of its
- existence and anything nominally trivial which might imply such a
- project. Public relations, in those days, consisted only of
- various forms of "no comment," enhanced by patriotic sermons about
- those who died in previous wars. If you acknowledged even the
- most tactically useless information, the theory went, it would
- start the ball rolling and soon the whole program would be
- compromised.
- What was not recognized is that in attempting to classify every
- nut and bolt, every meal served in the commissary and every
- trivial fact the rest of the world knew already, the entire
- security apparatus became devalued and unenforceable. The very
- reason the public was attracted to Groom was its surreal
- nonexistence. Properly classified information was lumped together
- with the top-secret bar, tennis courts, prime rib dinners and
- decades of accumulated failures and abuses that were of no value
- to any foreign enemy. When the trash finally got thrown out,
- unfortunately so did some valuable resources.
- In the end, what broke the base was not Campbell and the TV crews,
- but the disenchantment of its own workers. The key to keeping
- secrets, it was found, was not rules and enforcement but trust and
- cooperation. Once the workers lost their faith that the
- government was on their side, and once they felt, rightly or
- wrongly, that their secrecy oath was working more against the
- interests of the country than for it, then no amount of threats,
- sermons or OSI thugs could keep them from speaking out about what
- they felt was wrong. For a time, it was easy to bury
- embarassments and human problems under the claim of national
- security, but all those skeletons accumulated in the closet, and
- when the door was opened just a crack, they fell out all at once.
- It now looks increasingly likely that Freedom Ridge and White
- Sides will be closed to the public sometime in October. There is
- still opportunity for comments, protests and appeals, and it is
- remotely possible that BLM could turn down or delay the AF
- request. Realistically, though, visitors should not plan on these
- near-in viewpoints remaining open past October 15.
- There will be a 30 day "protest" period between an affirmative BLM
- decision and the actual closing of the land, and we will certainly
- report this warning in the Rat. Of course, we'll schedule a party
- at the very end and make sure the world doesn't overlook the
- passage.
- Through Aug. 26, the BLM is offering the public the opportunity to
- comment on the transfer of the land from the Caliente Management
- Plan to the Nellis Range Management Plan--an obscure bureaucratic
- step in the withdrawal. Acting District Manager Gary Ryan says
- that since most people do not understand how this comment period
- differs from the previous one, he will continue to accept comments
- on the withdrawal itself. If you so choose, you can send your
- harangues to him at:
- Gary Ryan, Acting District Manager
- Bureau of Land Management
- P.O. Box 26569
- Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
- It seems to us, though, that almost everything worthwhile has
- already been said. Recently, we had a chance to examine the
- application case file packed with clippings, transcripts, back
- issues of the Rat, hundreds letters of protest and even a couple
- letters of AF support. The file is almost a foot high now--a
- fascinating cultural and anthropological record that captures a
- slice of our human history. The vast majority of the comments are
- wonderfully, magically irrelevant to the withdrawal process and
- entirely beyond the scope of BLM's mandate. There are eloquent
- warnings about the dangers of government secrecy and impassioned
- pleas on behalf of the captive aliens. Angry demands written in
- pseudo-legalese assert that the AF and BLM have no authority in
- Nevada to begin with and that everything must be given back to the
- state or the Indians. Throughout the file, we are impressed by
- the passion and patriotism of the authors. Clearly, this
- withdrawal has touched a public nerve, but unfortunately most of
- the vented emotion does not have much bearing on the land transfer
- process.
- If the withdrawal is delayed or derailed, it will be on obscure
- procedural grounds. Should an Environmental Impact Statement have
- been required instead of an Environmental Assessment? Were the
- application requirements outlined in federal regulations properly
- followed? The BLM district office does not have the facilities to
- evaluate UFO claims, social priorities or defense policies. It
- can only process the application according to defined
- environmental and land-use procedures, then pass it upstairs to
- the State Director in Reno. He, in turn, will probably refer it
- to the secretarial level in Washington, and there the final
- decision could be made by voodoo and sorcery, by studying the
- entrails of sacrificed animals and maybe not looking at the case
- file at all.
- Sometime before the close of the comment period, Psychospy will
- make our own final argument against the withdrawal, which we will
- print in the Rat. BLM expects to issue a decision about 2-3 weeks
- later, or mid-September. If the withdrawal is supported, there
- will then be a 30-day protest period before the land is closed.
- This is the "last call" to visit Freedom Ridge. After the land is
- closed, the decision can still be appealed.
- If the withdrawal goes through, it is hard to call this a
- "victory" for the AF. The application itself created a powerful
- opposition movement that won't go away when Freedom Ridge is
- taken. In a way, the loss of the land may be the best thing that
- could happen to the movement, because it shifts the debate to a
- higher political and philosophic level.
- And remember the punch line: The Groom Lake base can still be
- seen from several mountains that are higher and further back.
- tmahood@netcom.com and spouse have surveyed a trail to the top of
- the Tikaboo Peak viewpoint, 13 miles east of F.R. His concise
- "Tikaboo Peak Guide" is included in the current edition (2.04) of
- the "Area 51 Viewer's Guide." (Owners of previous editions can
- send us an SASE for a free Tikaboo Guide.) When F.R. is closed,
- we expect to publish edition 3.0 of the Viewer's Guide, with new
- advice and viewpoints.
- ----- PROPOSED OUTING -----
- We will organize a final camp-out and End-of-the-World get-
- together on F.R. when we learn the date of its closure. In the
- meantime, many people have expressed an interest in holding
- another gathering before the end of the summer.
- We propose that this summer event be called the FREEDOM
- purpose of loudly protesting the NBC tape seizure but the real aim
- of having a good time. We suggest that this event could be held
- either Labor Day weekend (Sept. 3-5) or the weekend before (Aug.
- 27-28). Saturday night could be spent around the campfire at
- Freedom Ridge, while on Sunday interested hikers could head to
- Tikaboo Peak for the official grand opening of the Summit Trail.
- (That hike is a strenuous 1-1/2 hours each way through forested
- alpine terrain from Badger Spring, accessible by dirt roads from
- US-93.)
- The protest part of the outing (merely an idea at this point) is
- to suggest that everyone who objects to warrantless film and video
- seizures bring a camera of their own. Cameras can either be real
- or convincing fake ones, and it is not necessary that they be
- loaded with film. In addition, illegal photos of the base, as
- published by the Russians and in major periodicals, would be both
- sold and given away among participants. Imagine 50 or 100 people
- with "cameras" all pointed at the base. The Sheriff would be
- informed (He gets the Rat.) and would be invited to investigate
- and haul away as many of the perpetrators as he could.
- (Unfortunately, the Sheriff's Dept. no longer occupies the now-
- abandoned Detention Center and has capacity for only a handful of
- prisoners at the Court House.) Fond memories would be evoked of
- "Peace Camp" and the anti-nuclear protests at Mercury in the 80s.
- Of course, this is all merely a suggestion at this point--an idle
- dream that we set forward here for public comment. Psychospy
- would never recommend, at least on his own, that people bring
- cameras to a Groom Lake viewpoint. Any recommendation like this
- would have to be made by consensus of the White Sides Defense
- Committee.
- Anyone with thoughts to offer can drop us a line. Which weekend
- is best? Should we or should we not bring "cameras"? If we go
- ahead with the encampment, dates and details will be printed in
- the next Rat.
- "UFO mechanic" Bob Lazar, who claims to have reverse engineered
- alien spacecraft at Papoose Lake, also claims to have degrees from
- both MIT and Cal-Tech. He explains the absence of any academic
- records by suggesting that the government has made them
- "disappear." Lazar is a man without a past, the story goes, and
- not even his birth certificate can be found.
- It turns out now that no records could be found because no one has
- looked very hard. By digging through the archives of county
- clerks and city recorders offices, our colleague
- tmahood@netcom.com and his internet buddies have assembled a
- wealth of public records on Lazar. His birth certificate still
- has not been located (perhaps because this requires more
- information and his permission), but other records available to
- anyone show Lazar's marriages, real estate transactions, a
- bankruptcy, a pandering charge and the death of a spouse. tmahood
- has condensed this information into a chronological timeline of
- Lazar's life, a 10-page document now circulating on the net.
- For the sake of decency, Lazar's social security number and other
- current identifying data have been deleted from the timeline.
- Publishing the dates of Lazar's other lifetime events may also
- strike some people as an invasion of privacy, but Lazar's dramatic
- UFO claims and the known inconsistencies of his personal life beg
- a chronological analysis. The timeline pretty much extinguishes
- the notion that Lazar earned any degree from MIT or Cal-Tech:
- There just wasn't enough time. It seems certain he worked for Los
- Alamos Laboratories, as he claims, but it is still not clear in
- what capacity. The rest of the timeline, while nailing down
- Lazar's general whereabouts, seems to raise more questions than it
- answers. In one curious three-day period, Lazar appears to have
- been married to two different women until one of them committed
- suicide. No autopsy was performed. Lazar then married the other
- woman AGAIN a few months later, she using a different name. Lazar
- was going through bankruptcy proceedings at the time, which may
- explain some of the strange maneuvers.
- Many readers may call Lazar a fraud, but that doesn't answer much.
- His motivation remains unknown, and the man himself is still a
- fascinating cipher. Needless to say, he has not approved this
- document and his cooperation was not sought. Nonetheless, tmahood
- says that he is willing to conduct further research if Lazar can
- point out any specific errors in the document. The timeline
- should be available at the FTP site below. If you are unable to
- obtain it there, you may request it by email from
- tmahood@netcom.com. The internet-impaired may obtain a hard copy
- from Psychospy for $2 (to cover copying and postage).
- Here's fodder for your conspiracy theories. According to an
- article in the July 27 Las Vegas Review-Journal...
- "An airliner carrying talk show host Larry King was running on
- empty when it made an emergency landing at Nellis Air Force Base.
- "[American Airlines] Flight 1374 from Dallas landed at the base
- runway about 1:50 pm Saturday because of 'critical fuel,' said Air
- Force Maj. George Sillia, a base spokesman....
- "All of the passengers -- except King, who received a military
- escort to the convention -- had to stay on the plane for about 90
- minutes, Sillia said."
- As reported in the Washington Post (See DR#11), King will be doing
- a TV special on Area 51, broadcast live from Rachel on Oct. 1.
- ("Has Larry King been reduced to this?") Is it a coincidence that
- King's jet HAPPENS to be diverted to Nellis two months before the
- show? Nellis manages at least the land surrounding Area 51, and
- Major Sillia is the man who journalists go to for an authoritative
- "no comment" about the base. Nellis AFB is only ten miles from
- McCarran Airport, the plane's intended destination. Strange it
- should be diverted here, isn't it?
- ESCORT? We are reminded of Eisenhower's mysterious "dental
- appointment," when he disappeared for a few hours and could have
- been engaged in some sort of extraterrestrial contact. Was it
- really "critical fuel" that forced King's plane to land, or was
- this just an excuse to brief him on the alien presence? Or maybe
- the military created this charade to replace him with a LARRY KING
- CLONE, identical to the talk show host in every way except that
- when Oct. 1 comes along, he'll follow the script of the ruling
- elite.
- ANYTHING could have happened during that military escort, and only
- one thing is certain: The plane's diversion to Nellis "couldn't
- possibly be coincidence."
- ----- INTEL BITTIES -----
- CAMPBELL ARRAIGNMENT. As reported in DR #12, Glenn Campbell's
- arraignment on obstruction charges will be held this Weds., Aug.
- 3, at 1:30 pm in Alamo Justice Court. An arraignment is a brief
- and usually uninteresting hearing in which formal charges are
- filed and a trial date set. Campbell, like O.J. Simpson, is
- expected to plead "absolutely, 100 percent not guilty." He has
- reserved comment on his defense until after the arraignment, but
- knowing Mr. Campbell we think he'll have fun. The worst penalty
- is probably a fine, and being accused of a crime usually increases
- ones legal powers of investigation and advocacy.
- TRESPASSER CASE LINGERS ON. In DR #11, we reported that the case
- of the January trespassers had finally been resolved. Not so.
- The equipment confiscated by the Cammo Dudes from their impounded
- cars has still not been returned: binoculars, telescope and a
- camera (with no film). We consider the delay yet another example
- of military P.R. bungling. The equipment is of no value to AF and
- not returning it simply assures that this irritating case, like
- the little Energizer bunny, will keep on going and going and
- going...
- "STUPID FAGGOT" VANISHES. The graffiti on a remote Restricted
- Area sign reported in DR #11 ("Glenn Campbell is a stupid faggot
- and so are his loyal followers!") has disappeared as mysteriously
- as it came. It looks like someone washed it off neatly with a
- spray cleaner without touching our "Misplaced Sign" marking or the
- big "X". Did an officer read about it in the Rat, and pass down a
- clean-up order? Did we got someone in trouble? (Sorry, guys.)
- HAT, BOOK AVAILABLE IN PENTAGON. The Groom Lake patch has been
- selling like gangbusters at Fort America, the military memorabilia
- shop in the Outer Concourse at the Pentagon. Now, two more of our
- products are available there: the Groom Lake hat and the Area 51
- Viewer's Guide. We hope our local readers will check out the
- merchandise. (Either that or suppress it, which would be far more
- newsworthy.)
- (c) Glenn Campbell, 1994. (psychospy@aol.com)
- This newsletter is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without
- one year following the date of publication, you may photocopy this
- text or send or post this document electronically to anyone who
- you think might be interested, provided you do it without charge.
- You may only copy or send this document in unaltered form and in
- its entirety, not as partial excerpts (except brief quotes for
- review purposes). After one year, no further reproduction of this
- document is allowed without permission.
- Email subscriptions to this newsletter are available free of
- charge. To subscribe (or unsubscribe), send a message to
- psychospy@aol.com. Subscriptions are also available by regular
- mail for $15 per 10 issues, postpaid to anywhere in the world.
- Back issues are available on various bulletin boards and by
- internet FTP to ftp.shell.portal.com, directory
- /pub/trader/secrecy/psychospy. Also available by WWW to
- http://alfred1.u.washington.edu:8080/~roland/rat/desert_rat_index.
- html
- Current direct circulation: 1237 copies
- The mail address for Psychospy, Glenn Campbell, Secrecy Oversight
- Council, Area 51 Research Center, Groom Lake Desert Rat and
- countless other ephemeral entities is:
- HCR 61, Box 38
- Rachel, NV 89001 USA
- #####